Cover image on the left Apple iCloud logo with arrow to Google logo for switching

For some time now, Apple has no longer allowed many of their iCloud accounts to access calendars from external applications such as Calenso. Furthermore, Apple does not allow calendar data to be synchronized with mobile devices other than iOS.

So that you can continue to synchronize all appointments in Calenso with an external calendar, the Calenso team recommends using a Google calendar. Google Calendar supports better integration with external applications and runs on all operating systems and mobile devices (smartphones, tablets).

Switching from Apple iCloud to a Google Calendar requires no technical skills and is done in less than 5 minutes. You will need a PC or Mac to complete the process.

What you need to migrate from Apple iCloud (iCal) to Google Calendar.

An iCloud account: Email address
iCloud password: your password

and a Google Account: e-mail address
Google password: your password

Step 1: Log in to iCloud

Go to your iCloud account, log in and click on the iCloud calendar

Step 2: Export calendar data from iCloud

Go to your calendar whose data you want to transfer to Google Calendar. Then mark the calendar as a "public calendar" and copy the link that is displayed there.

iCloud public calendar

Paste the link above into the address bar of the web browser, but do not press ENTER yet

iCloud url change webcal

Change webcal:// to https:// and press ENTER

Change iCloud url https

After pressing the ENTER button, all iCloud calendar entries are downloaded to your computer. This file contains all calendar entries and can be imported into Google Calendar in the next step.

Step 3: Import calendar data into Google Calendar

Open your Google calendar in the web browser and go to the settings.

The file with all calendar entries can be imported from iCloud in the settings. To do this, select the file on the computer and click "Import".

You have now successfully transferred all your calendar entries from iCloud to Google Calendar. You can now activate your Google Calendar on your smartphone as the default calendar and link it in Calenso.

We hope we have been able to help you with this support article. You can contact Calenso Support at any time.

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