Advantages of a business subscription
Own branding
Remove the Calenso footprint throughout the booking process
Own design
Customize Calenso color to your liking
Own sender
Use your company as the sender on all emails and text messages.
Your branding
Your branding
With Calenso Business model you can have all Calenso logos replaced with your own. All customizations will be done by us. We only need the appropriate files from you.
Your communication
In all communication - whether by SMS or mail - your logos are also used. You can also customize your texts without Calenso Corporate itself. With your sign you guarantee a completely company adapted communication. In addition, your address will be provided as the sender address of mail and SMS.
To the video tutorialYour communication
Use your own colors
Use your own colors
Define your own corporate colors. From the booking page to the emails and SMS, you can define the colors you want. Branding is important, especially in communication. Calenso allows you to design Calenso according to your colors.
Personal support
You will receive the highest possible support that we can offer you. By phone (by appointment) we are, available for you and if necessary, on-site meetings are possible. We want to provide you with the best service possible.
Personal support
Convince yourself of our customers
Our loyal business customers
These are just a few of our satisfied business customers.