The word "digitalization" is omnipresent - in companies, offices, authorities and beyond. The constant presence of this term reflects the unstoppable shift towards digital processes. However, this development also brings challenges. Companies, authorities and organizations are faced with the task of meeting the needs of their citizens, employees and stakeholders while striving for greater efficiency. Although digitalization opens up a wealth of opportunities, it also presents challenges that need to be overcome.

What is citizen service? 

Citizen services are an integral part of public administration that aims to address the needs of citizens. In the age of digitalization, the range of these services has expanded and now includes a variety of digital offerings via online portals, apps and platforms. The main aim of these digital citizen services is to increase efficiency and improve citizens' quality of life.

The citizen service also includes a wide range of information materials. These include brochures providing information on various services and opportunities, from burglary prevention measures offered by the police to tips on finding a job and information on benefits such as care allowance and pension provision.

In addition, authorities and administrations offer information materials such as local maps and waste disposal calendars to inform citizens about local issues and services. These materials help to ensure that citizens are well informed and can make use of the various services and opportunities provided by the authorities.

Find out how you can use Calenso in your authority.  

Examples of modern citizen services

Modern citizen services offer a wide range of digital services that make everyday life easier. In addition to the digital processing of tax returns and online applications for documents such as ID cards and driving licenses, citizens can also conveniently arrange administrative appointments online. These services not only provide access to essential information, but also enable bureaucratic processes to be handled quickly and efficiently.

  • Appointment booking for public offices and authoritiesCitizens can easily and conveniently make appointments for various administrative procedures online. This reduces waiting times and makes the administrative process more efficient.
  • Citizen services online appointment schedulingThe ability to schedule appointments for citizen services online facilitates access to key government services, increasing flexibility for citizens.
  • Efficient advice: Digital advice services enable citizens to obtain information on various topics quickly and in a targeted manner without having to wait for long periods of time.
  • Digital counter booking: Online booking of appointments at digital counters enables citizens to deal with their concerns efficiently and in a time-saving manner without having to appear in person.
  • Public administration appointment systems: Modern appointment systems in public administration optimize appointment allocation and management, leading to improved organization and more effective processes.
  • Online signature: The ability to digitally sign documents significantly simplifies bureaucratic processes and speeds up processing times for official documents.
  • Apply for documents onlineOnline applications for documents such as ID cards and driving licenses not only save citizens time and effort, but also shorten processing times.

Sequence of the different logos: Liechtenstein, Basel City, Federal Ministry, Canton of Lucerne, Canton of Zurich, Switzerland

Advantages of modern citizen services

Modern citizen services open up numerous advantages for both residents and the administration. Here are a few examples:

Increasing efficiency and reducing costs

Digital citizen services such as online applications, digital registration information or online appointments significantly reduce the administrative workload. For example, applying for personal documents online saves a considerable amount of time for both sides. Authorities benefit from automated processes that require less manual intervention and thus minimize sources of error. At the same time, this saves resources that can be invested in other important areas.

Improved accessibility and flexibility

You probably know the situation: you want to go to the bank or the government office, but the opening hours of 09:00 to 11:30 and 13:30 to 17:00 don't fit in with your regular working day. For many working people, these times are simply impossible, and long waiting times are often the result.

Digitalization makes citizen services accessible around the clock and from anywhere. Residents can access services conveniently from home or on the move without having to wait in long queues. This flexible accessibility makes it easier for working people to take care of their affairs and contributes to increased satisfaction.

Increase in customer satisfaction

Providing digital citizen services helps to increase customer satisfaction by giving citizens easier and faster access to the services they need. This leads to a positive perception of the administration and strengthens residents' trust in your citizens' office, municipality or administration.

The canton of Basel-Stadt relies on Calenso's adaptability. →

Disadvantages of citizen services

Although modern citizen services offer many advantages, there are also some potential disadvantages that need to be considered. Here are some examples:

Digital divide and barriers to access

Not all citizens have equal access to digital citizen services due to different skills or technical equipment. Some may not have the necessary skills or access to technical devices. As a result, some population groups may not be able to take full advantage of digital services.

Data protection and security concerns

The digitalization of citizen services also entails data protection and security risks. Managing sensitive data online carries the risk of data breaches and cyberattacks, which can affect citizens' trust in the security of their personal information.

Data protection and security risks

The digitalization of citizen services also entails data protection and security risks, which can affect citizens' trust in the security of their personal information.

Choose a secure provider for yourself and your residents.

Loss of personal interaction

It may take some time for the population to get used to the digital transition before these new processes are fully accepted. This can be particularly challenging for people who find the digital world complex.

Secure infrastructures: the key to modern administration

A basic prerequisite for the successful digitalization of citizens' offices is ensuring secure infrastructures. Your IT systems must therefore be reliably protected against external attacks and the highest security standards should be observed when handling data between your authority and citizens, as confidential and sensitive information is processed.

Test the most secure online appointment booking - Made in Switzerland! 

One example of such a secure and trustworthy software solution is Calenso, a Swiss company that offers online appointment scheduling and digital counter services. The use of Calenso is subject to strict data protection provisions of the GDPR and nDSG (Swiss Data Protection Act). Calenso AG attaches great importance to offering legally compliant, secure and user-friendly digitization solutions that are also "Made in Switzerland". At the same time, the company takes into account the needs and regulations of its neighboring countries such as Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein.

Four icons of the Calenso safety functions

By using such reliable and security-oriented software solutions, authorities can not only increase the efficiency of their processes, but also strengthen citizens' trust in digitalization.

The importance of digitizing citizen services: A look at the figures

The current figures show that there is a considerable need to drive forward the digitalization of citizen services. Despite the increasing use of digital technologies, German citizens' offices still have a low level of digitalization. 

"According to a study, 83% of access to the Citizens' Advice Bureau is still mainly physical, while digital contact accounts for only 10%, which is even less than telephone contact."

These figures illustrate the need to catch up with regard to the digitalization of citizen services.

It should also be noted that only in a minority of cases can the respective services be handled completely online. There are still media discontinuities in many processes, for example when applications can be completed online but still have to be printed out and signed at the end. This partial digital processing means that the fully integrated provision of services online is still very low.

One example example of this is the certification of certificates, where it is technically difficult to complete the entire process online. The survey shows that applying for a resident's parking permit or requesting a copy of a birth certificate in most citizens' offices is still handled with only 9% can be completed online. These figures illustrate the urgency of driving forward the digitalization of citizen services in order to meet the needs of citizens and make administrative processes more efficient.

A role model for modern citizen service

The canton of Basel-Landschaft is a concrete example of the improvement in citizen satisfaction through the digitalization of citizen services. The introduction of such services has optimized administrative processes. In addition, the ability to book and manage appointments online has not only reduced waiting times in offices, but also made administrative processes more efficient. This practical digitalization leads to direct, measurable improvements in the everyday lives of citizens and sets new standards in public administration.

Learn more

Do as the canton of Basel-Landschaft does: take the future into your own hands. Discover in our blog which steps are necessary to successfully implement digitalization in your authority.

This is how the pioneering canton of Basel-Landschaft does it. 

Steps for the implementation of citizen services

The implementation and automation of citizen services is an important process that requires careful analysis and planning. First, the actual needs must be determined, followed by the careful selection of software that is both secure and technologically mature and meets the specific requirements of the administration.

"The municipality of Regensdorf has had a very positive experience with Calenso. Customer service is top-notch and the support team is very competent. Requests were always dealt with promptly and to our complete satisfaction. The appointment booking system is very customer-friendly."

- Debora Isufi, management assistant to the municipality of Regensdorf

Digitizing authorities, cantons, offices and administrations

The integration of digital citizen services into municipal structures is a decisive step on the way to modern administration. It is important not only to consider the technical aspects, but also to bring about a comprehensive cultural change within the administration.

Please note this:

  • Technical implementation: The introduction of digital citizen services requires seamless integration into existing IT systems and processes. This requires not only the selection of suitable software solutions, but also the adaptation and updating of existing systems to ensure smooth interaction.
  • Employee trainingA successful transition to digital citizen services requires comprehensive staff training. Not only do they need to be familiarized with the new technologies, but they also need to develop the skills to use them effectively and provide the best possible service to citizens.
  • Rethinking processesThe introduction of digital citizen services offers the opportunity to rethink and adapt existing processes. This may mean that certain processes need to be restructured in order to take full advantage of digitalization and increase the efficiency of the administration.
  • Maximizing the benefitsThe ultimate goal when integrating digital citizen services is to achieve the greatest possible benefit for both residents and the administration. In addition to efficient technical implementation, it is crucial to present the services in an appealing and understandable way in order to promote their acceptance and use among residents.

By taking a holistic view and integrating them into municipal and state structures, digital citizen services can make a significant contribution to the modernization of administration and at the same time increase citizen satisfaction.

How can I digitize citizen services?

The digitalization of citizen services requires a clear strategy and the right tools. One example of the digitalization of a citizen service is the implementation of online appointments for your counters.

Automation of appointments in the authority

The automation of appointment scheduling and other citizen services offers numerous advantages that are important for both residents and the administration. By digitizing these processes, public authorities can work more efficiently and offer citizens a better service. The advantages and disadvantages of modern citizen services are explained in more detail in the following sections.

Appointment booking in your own design 

This is what the digitization process for making appointments could look like:

  • Needs analysisDetermine the needs of your authority and your residents for online appointments.
  • Software selectionChoose a secure and scalable appointment scheduling software like Calenso that meets your needs and integrates seamlessly with your existing IT infrastructure. Consider the ability to customize branding, including logos, colors and other design elements to ensure a consistent look and feel as an administration.
  • Implementation of the online appointment booking formCustomize the booking page to your specific requirements, such as the selection of available dates, the entry of contact details. Use Calenso's customization options to adapt the appearance of the form according to the colors and design of your administration.
  • Testing and optimizingCheck the software to make sure everything is working smoothly. Our dedicated account managers will be happy to assist you with the setup.
  • Get started with Calenso: Sit back and let us book appointments without the hassle of back-and-forth emails or phone calls.

These steps serve as an example of how you can digitize an important task - appointment scheduling - but also optimize it at the same time.

Example to show which whitelabeling and branding options Calenso has.

The future of modern administrations

In the future, more and more public authorities are expected to switch to digitalization, which will bring significant benefits. With the implementation of advanced technologies such as AI-supported communication tools, digital counters or online forms, processes can be accelerated, costs reduced and data security increased. In addition, this transformation leads to higher citizen satisfaction as services become faster, more personalized and more accessible. Ultimately, this improves the interaction between citizens and the administration.

Seize the opportunity

Cantons, municipalities, states, local authorities and service providers are facing a critical opportunity to modernize their services and improve interaction with citizens. Moreover, the use of tools such as Calenso makes it possible to effectively implement this modernization by enabling time savings, cost efficiency and increased citizen satisfaction. In addition, such solutions not only simplify administrative processes, but also make your municipality, canton, etc. an attractive and modern place to live. Ultimately, they improve the quality of life for residents and increase the attractiveness of the region. Make your municipality a modern and attractive place to live that efficiently meets the needs of its residents and improves their quality of life.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Why is the digitalization of citizen services important?

The digitalization of citizen services is important in order to make administrative processes more efficient, increase citizen satisfaction and improve access to public services.

What advantages does the digitalization of citizen services offer?

The digitalization of citizen services offers a wide range of benefits, including time savings, improved accessibility, increased efficiency, reduced waiting times and an overall better quality of service for citizens.

How can citizen services be digitized?

Citizen services can be digitized by implementing suitable software solutions, training employees, rethinking processes and comprehensive integration into existing IT infrastructures.

What can be digitized in an administration?

The administration can digitize a variety of services and processes in order to offer citizens an efficient and user-friendly service. These include, among others:

  • Online appointments for public offices and authorities
  • Digital application procedures for identity documents such as ID cards and passports
  • Online forms for various applications, authorizations or notifications
  • Electronic payment processing for fees and taxes
  • Digital platforms for citizen communication and information
  • Online citizen participation and feedback options
  • Digitized processes for managing properties, vehicles or waste disposal
  • Electronic archiving and management of documents and files

What role do data protection and security play in the digitalization of citizen services?

Data protection and security play a crucial role in strengthening citizens' trust in digital services. Appropriate security measures and compliance with data protection guidelines can protect personal data and prevent misuse.

What are the challenges in implementing digital citizen services?

Challenges in implementing digital citizen services can include technical difficulties, acceptance issues, privacy concerns, budget constraints and resistance to change.

What experiences have other authorities had with the digitalization of their citizen services?

Other authorities have had positive experiences with the digitalization of their citizen services, including improved efficiency, increased citizen satisfaction and savings in administrative costs.

How can residents benefit from digital citizen services?

Residents benefit from digital citizen services through easier access to administrations, offices and authorities, faster processing times, less bureaucracy and improved communication with the administration.


Take your administration to a new level!

Digitize your appointment processes in less than 5 minutes.

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